We’re all familiar with the vibrant, captivating blue hue of the sapphire, but did you know that the sapphire also comes in an array of different colours? This exquisite gemstone with its symbolism of wisdom, faithfulness and sincerity is a desired gem for engagement rings and other graceful trinkets. Historically the sapphire was popular amongst religious members and royalty, but today, it can be seen in jewellery worn by celebrities. The different sapphire colours offer an opportunity toshow your individuality and have fun in an elegant way.
What is the Colour of a Sapphire?
Known for its iconic deep blue shade, this gemstone comes in a dazzling spectrum of colours, collectively referred to as “fancy sapphires.” Each colour has its own unique look and symbolic significance. Below, we’ll dig deeper into this diverse palette of sapphire colours and their distinct characteristics.
The Blue Sapphire
The most recognised and cherished of the sapphire range, the blue sapphire is often regarded as the quintessential colour. Its deep, vivid blue shade ranges from light cornflower to rich royal shades. For centuries, blue sapphires have been highly symbolic and represent wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. This has made them a popular choice for engagement rings, with our Blue Sapphire and Diamond ring being a perfect example.

The Pink Sapphire
From soft pastel pink to intense magenta, pink sapphires radiate delicacy and romance. Suitable for most skin tones, our Pink Sapphire Leaf Engagement ring is the perfect alternative to traditional gemstones like rubies or pink diamonds. Symbolically, pink sapphires represent love, compassion, and kindness, making them a favourite for sentimental jewellery.

The Yellow Sapphire
The sunny hues of the yellow sapphire are mesmerising and its fantastic light reflection makes it particularly stunning. Ranging from pale lemon to vibrant canary yellow, this golden gemstone looks picturesque in either a silver or gold setting. The yellow sapphire is associated with prosperity, wisdom, and good fortune, and is especially revered in Vedic astrology, often worn as talismans to attract success and positivity.
The Green Sapphire
Compared to other coloured sapphires, the green sapphire is less common. With hues from light mint to rich forest green, it is far more brilliant than the emerald and much more unique.
These sapphires are more affordable due to their lack of popularity but are prized for their unique earthy tones and subtle elegance. Green sapphires are thought to symbolize growth, renewal, and balance, making them meaningful choices for nature-inspired designs - depicted in our Green Sapphire Wattle Leaf Engagement ring.

The White Sapphire
With its diamond-like appearance, the white (or colourless) sapphire is growing in popularity. With its timeless, classic look, these gemstones are often chosen as an ethical and cost-effective alternative to diamonds for engagement rings. Not as common as its blue equivalent, the white sapphire holds just as much value, brilliance and sparkle. Colourless sapphires, also referred to as spiritual stones, represent clarity, purity, and new beginnings.
The Orange Sapphire
Orange sapphires are vibrant and energetic, with their warm hues ranging from soft peach to fiery reddish-orange. These very same features can be found in our Orange Sapphire Leaf Engagement Ring. Some orange sapphires, known as Padparadscha sapphires, display a unique mix of pink and orange, resembling the colours of a tropical sunset. Padparadscha sapphires are rare and highly prized, symbolizing joy, creativity, and passion.

The Purple Sapphire
Also known as violet sapphires, the purple sapphire is presented in hues from lavender to deep royal purple. The vividness of this gem makes a huge statement and easily catches the eye. The purple sapphire is a sophisticated, regal gemstone associated with spirituality, luxury, and imagination.
The Teal Sapphire
Teal sapphires feature a mesmerising blend of blue and green tones, offering a modern twist to traditional sapphire colours. This striking mix, often found in Australian sapphires, creates a unique, dynamic appearance. Teal sapphires symbolise individuality, creativity, and harmony, appealing to those seeking something distinct and contemporary.

The Black Sapphire
The black sapphire, laden with iron and titanium is a stone that absorbs light and varies in colour from dark blue to grey. Black sapphires are opaque and exude a mysterious, bold appeal, great for those who want something unique or for a statement piece. With a symbolic background, steeped in history, these fascinating stones represent strength, protection, and resilience.
The Rare Colour-Changing Sapphire
These phenomenal sapphires are extremely rare and very fascinating. They have the ability to change colour under different lighting conditions—often appearing blue in daylight and purplish under incandescent light. Colour-changing sapphires are a collector’s item making them a truly valuable piece.
Which Colour Holds the Most Value
So we’ve taken you through the vast range of sapphire colours, each with its own quality and uniqueness. But which is the most valuable?
In monetary terms, the rare Padparadscha sapphire is the most valuable. With its enthralling blend of pink and orange hues, resembling a tropical sunset, this unique colour can be costly due to its beauty and rarity. Primarily sourced in Sri Lanka, the Padparadscha sapphire is a collector’s item and if left untreated, it can warrant an exceptionally high price.
However, the most sought-after stone is the blue sapphire. The rich, velvety "royal blue" sapphires from Kashmir are the most valuable, renowned for their unmatched depth of colour and brilliance.
Amongst all the coloured sapphires, factors like origin, size, clarity, and treatment significantly influence their overall value.
Ultimately, the one that holds the most value for you, is the one that you cherish the most.
Which Sapphire Colour Is For You?
With each sapphire portraying unmatched beauty and elegance, it can be difficult to decide which is the one for you. Each colour has its own symbolic meaning, cultural and astrological tradition, style and appeal. From the classic blue sapphire to the playful, contemporary “fancy” sapphires, all personal preferences and tastes are sure to be catered for.
At Vinny&Charles, our collection of coloured sapphires offers a unique and personal touch to our range of diverse rings. So whether you choose a blue, purple, white or green sapphire engagement ring or even a unique teal sapphire ring, it will remain among the most cherished and versatile gemstones in the world.