Our Impact

We are conscious of our environmental impact & believe sustainable ethical practices are essential. Our passion and craft should not take from the environment. In fact, with every Vinny & Charles order 5 trees are planted, with the addition to reviews adding another 5 trees to the order. We have partnered with Green spark to take action & protect mother nature.

We understand the impact of our industry and are making positive choices to do better. We are a slow fashion, small batch jewellery brand utilising recycled gold, lab created gemstones & lab diamonds to hand craft fine jewellery for unique souls.

Each part of the process is considered, from creating alloys to packing orders. We choose quality over quantity and craft the highest quality pieces.

Made to order. Made just for you.

How do we do good by the environment?

Make better choices.

  • To last forever & beyond

    Something forever. We make quality jewellery made to last and curate packaging to be with you forever or to be recycled. Our designs are timeless heirlooms with a lifetime warranty.

  • Recycled gold & Lab gemstones

    Less Consumption. Sourcing recycled precious metals & lab grown gemstones reduces the consumption of natural resources. Keeping mother nature happy.

  • 5 trees planted for every order

    Giving back to the environment. We hope to lessen our impact & remain thoughtful, conscious consumers.

With Vinny & Charles you can enjoy accessible luxury guilt free.

Integrating with Green Spark

We love our integration with Greenspark, with every order they plant 5 trees and we contribute to many projects around the world. Explore our public profile.

Since 2020 we have been contributing monthly to similar programs to offset our environmental impact. We love that your orders don’t cost the earth.

More contributions
Greenspark offers multiple integrations to make positive impacts. For every review and survey filled out more positive actions are made!

Our Greenspark Profile

Unique | Hand crafted | Ethical | Quality

Unique jewellery shouldn’t cost the earth